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Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Merch. And, The Point Of It (apart from it being super cool to have your own Tshirts)

I know it's early days for myself and Dead Dead Dead, but I'm pretty hopeful, and still feeling very optimistic about the whole thing.  I didn't get the funding I was after, but it's ok as I can still do everything in my initial plan, so all is not lost.  I've got an amazing release in December going out between myself and Fuck Happy Endings in Leeds, which will be epic.  I'm sure you've heard about it already, and I'll put proper details up this week, but it's going to be so awesome you have no idea.

The idea for merch, specifically T-shirts, is fairly obvious on all counts.  first off, they're cool as fuck.  My favourite things in the world are my band tee's, and it's pretty much a guarantee that if you ever see me, I'm wearing a band T-shirt and jeans.  So yes, I won't lie; one of the first things I started planning when starting this was my logo & merch.  I want the work I do to have a presence everywhere; it helps both myself and Dead Dead Dead in the way of promo, and it obviously helps keep things ticking over financially (as long as people like the stuff I'm hawking).

Second, now that the producing of the tee's is paid for and covered (I was lucky enough to get roped in to hosting some karaoke over the weekend, which, apart from being ALOT of fun, meant that last little bit of cash I needed to get the T-shirts printed came round), it means that all the money that comes in from the selling is free to go where it's needed.  This means that everytime someone buys a T-shirt, that money will go to any number of things related to the work i'm putting in - Costs for touring bands, cd's, promoting & booking shows, promo for releases, and possibly even help towards recording costs for any of the bands I'll be working with.  I'm not under any illusions, I know that selling a few tee's won't pay for the recording of an album, but if it covers the first day or two in the studio, job done, as far as I'm concerned.

Cool T-shirts are cool.  Helping bands out is cool.  Spend £8.50 and you get both.

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