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Monday 9 August 2010

First post, and it's not even mine....

I have no idea how to work this place, and i'm not really sure what I'm going to be doing here, either.  It just seems that I've got a lot of stuff I want to say & do with regards to the bands & music I love, so at some point soon I'll start adding as much as possible.

In the meantime, I'm going to implore you to read the below article.  It's something that pretty much embodies what I think about live music, especially when it comes to punk, hardcore, screamo, blahblah etcetc.

Basically, I wanted to make sure that the first post here was important, informative and relevant, so I had to use someone else's;  Ryan McKenny, vocalist for Trap Them.  Talking about touring, money (or lack thereof), and the shit "hardcore" fans expect from the people they supposedly love.


"When Sacha said he'd "...take a fat check from freakin' Nike," he actually hit the nail on the head, whether he doubted himself in the next sentence or not.  That's what it has to come down to for a lot of us.  Being a smaller band that is willing to tour relentlessly is both extremely difficult and, truthfully, a pretty stupid idea, but some of us don't know any better, or have no other route in life to take.  This is what they call being "a glutton for punishment."  the average age of my band is 32 years old.  none of us have degrees or trades to fall back on when touring finally hits a brick wall.  None of us can look more than six months into the futur (sic)... and we accept that.  Most of us have been touring since the 90's with various failure of endevours.  you would think we would have smartened up by now, but it's not that simple.  This feels right."

you can find Ryans article/essay/rant in it's entirety here -

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